The issue isn’t nuclear power. The issue is processing uranium for nuclear power that then can be used for defence
You have to understand this in terms of in terms of Adelaide, -it’s a military industrial intelligence complex
Simons is connected to the University College of London but basically he’s a front man for business interests, We can clearly question what he is doing given the fact that he’s getting funding from indirect corporate sources.
AUDIO: Nuclear Power in South Australia – a golden age? Radio Adelaide 23 Aug 13 Chris Komorek spoke with Dr David Palmer from Flinders University to explore the changing landscape. Produced by Ian Newton. TRANSCRIPT by Christina Macpherson
Chris Komorek As the uranium debate heats up, so does the destroyed reactor in Fukushima, Japan.The International Energy Policy Institute at the University College London’s Adelaide campus is advocating a ramped up nuclear industry here in South Australia. We’re joined by Dr David Palmer from Flinders University.
Q. What level of support is there in industry and science for an expanded nuclear industry in South Australia?
Dr David Palmer First of all you have to put this in context The interviews you’ve had on Radio Adelaide over the last 2 days have really been interesting. Helen Caldicott’s question about what motivates these people. She couldn’t quite get her head around that
I think that actually Prof Simons has answered that. However did not give his real answer on your program
Just to put it in context. Just a few minutes ago, Japan Times released a new story that is quite shocking.It’s Fukushima again – Their top story of the day “Rate of radioactive flow to Pacific alarming”. Fukushima No1 leaks estimated at 30 trillion becquerels since May 2011. What this means is that the rate of release estimated since May 2011 is 100 times more than what TEPCO has been saying.
The other thing is – This is just Fukushima
The Japan Times headline story that ran previously is about the coming earthquake that will hit Tokyo. They estimate that 10,000 people will die from that earthquake which will probably hit under Yokohama. 7 million people will be homeless. Roughly 1.2 $billion will be lost in terms of damage.
There is a nuclear power plant called Homolka halfway between Mt Fuji and Tokyo and that’s right on the coast. That will probably be hit as well. You’re talking about a nuclear disaster South of Tokyo They also think this earthquake could hit at any moment. it’s 90 years overdue.- Mt Fuji potentially could erupt. It’s interesting that Prof S said nothing about the extreme dangers now hitting Japan almost daily.
Q. I will ask you again. What level of support is there in industry and science for an expanded nuclear industry in South Australia?
Dr Palmer: In South Australia it’s interesting and here we get into the argument by Prof Simons. There’s a certain sector of corporate world in Australia, but particularly in our area, that is very supportive of this. You have to look at the rationale that Simons gave in his talk when speaking with the Liberal Opposition Minister. What he said is: Governments throughout the world are trying to balance the trilemma of providing their nations with – and this is his argument for nuclear energy . It’s not about climate change No. 1. It’s about:
1 securing energy supply
2 maintaining economic growth
3 impact on climate change and reducing carbon emissions
So the Issue is security of energy supply If you look at who is supporting this initiative it’s BHP Billiton that would probably like to get Olympic Dam operation going again, once the Coalition gets in to the federal government. It’s all of these defence contractors up in Edinburgh area, and also the submarine corporation. Simons is one of the main proponents of a nuclear powered submarine being built here in Adelaide
The door will then be open for Adelaide will then be a port for nuclear powered naval vessels.
Q. Would Australia be going against the world trend if we went down the path of nuclear power?
Dr Palmer: No, because The issue isn’t nuclear power. The issue is processing uranium for nuclear power that then can be used for defence That is the key thing. It’s not about somehow cheap energy. It’s about securing energy supply. Simons himself said SA has about 30+% of world’s uranium This is one of the most strategic places in the world for those involved in military operations. Now they’re ramping this up so they have an entire industrial complex
You have to understand this in terms of in terms of Adelaide, -it’s a military industrial intelligence complex Simons is connected to the University College of London but basically he’s a front man for business interests, that’s just my opinion. We can clearly question what he is doing given the fact that he’s getting funding from indirect corporate sources.
The reality is that Universities play a major part in assisting business in defence contracts. That’s really what it’s about. it’s not just about cheap energy or climate change
Q. If Australia increases exports, and begins enrichment could we see Australia become an international depository for depleted uranium?
Dr Palmer. Yes I think that that’s already happening. That’s my guess. I don’t have the proof of that.
It’s not just about building nuclear power plants and making the world a better place. What Simons says basically is that you have a choice nuclear power or coal. Caldicott was absolutely right, by saying that’s ridiculous We have all of these other non carbon based energy sources. In fact a very substantial part of SA’s power is now wind derived
You have to look at other reasons for this . The other thing is If you look at – Why would someone from London from University College be in Adelaide? and the fact is that in terms of defence operations we look at military strategy generally , The US UK and Australia are key players in the US defence operations. The other side is China Essentially this is part of this repositioning in terms of US and its allies military strategy That’s what it’s really about It’ security in energy supply.
It’s not about nuclear weapons. It’s about nuclear powered sources for military uses, and secondarily to deal with economic growth and climate change.. Their interest in climate change more about the impact it will have on the economy, not about the impact on you and me.